Community Health Advancement Programs (CHAP) is an IDEE project that seeks to provide health awareness and illness preventive messages to poor resource persons in Nigerian communities. The project has enabled IDEE to integrate women groups in her activities as they usually form the major target population of campaigns (65% women, 30% men with 5% children).
+ To create awareness about health threatening diseases
+ To educate on the facts about diseases like Cancer, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis amongst others.
+ To sensitize both men and women on healthier lifestyle choices to improve their life and health.
+ Conduct trainings on how to carry out self-examination for early detection of cancer.
CHAP formerly known as CCPAP kicked off in the 3rd quarter of 2016 and three monthly sessions have been held in the following communities:
Tudun- wada community with 48 participants (8M, 40F) in attendance.
Sauka community with a total of 138 participants (5M, 133F) in attendance.
Chibiri community with 152 participants (12M, 140F) in attendance.
World Cancer Day 2017 was commemorated in Waru community reaching 127 (15M, 112F) with messages of Cancer.
A community member checking his blood pressure.
IDEE team registering beneficiaries of the outreach
The Initiative for Education and Development (IDEE) was formed in 1999. It started as a social association and finally metamorphosed into a non-for profit and Non-Governmental Organization incorporated with a board of Trustee in 2001.
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