The Initiative for Education and Development organization is a non for profit organization which started another branch in Abeokuta, Ogun State in August 2018 with all programs conducted over there are also uniform with the ones in the Abuja office. The branch has done some great jobs in developing and educating people and activities in the society and the branch has been working here in Abeokuta and Ijebu waterside (Ogun Waterside LGA) respectively aiming at eradicating poverty and creating a world fully developed for others. Listed below are activities that have been conducted so far by the branch in Abeokuta in aiding development and capacity building;
Partnership and introduction meeting with the Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of education, Research on conservation and preservation of Manatee manatee from going into extinction, Research on conservation status of the Elephant at the Omo West Forest Reserve at J4, Celebration of World Toilet Day activities in schools in Abeokuta and Educating them on abolishing open defecation, Introduction of the Wisdom International School of Excellence at Ijbeu waterside, Vocational training for two days at Iwopin Ijebu waterside, Financial Inclusion and Empowerment program for people in Abeokuta and Ijebu waterside, Presentation of the Manatee manatee paper during the WISON conference in FUTA, Attending the National Conference on Environment in Ondo state, Career path training in building capacity of the youth in Edo state, Scholarship to four Orphan and Vulnerable children in Wisdom International School of Excellence III (WISE) Iwopin
All these stated above are highlight of activities that have done over the course of operation here in Abeokuta and a lot of people have gained one way or the other in our programs. Women have gained a lot in our FINER program where they get loan to develop their business and capacity building, vocational training to train them or guide them in choosing the kind of vocation they might like to go into. IDEE ABEOKUTA has worked in the angle of conservation and preservation of our wildlife in educating people on the needs of conservation of our wildlife for future needs and purpose protecting our heritage. IDEE ABK has also reached out to the youths in schools and in the society by organizing programs that has been of great benefit to them in building their capacity and telling them how to be different from others. Here we preach a lot about creativity and innovativeness which is the sole aim of working in Non for profit organization because with these we can identify societal problem, gather our data and create possible solution for the identified problems. We will still offer more to the society and for development in other to eradicate poverty and make the world a better place for everyone. As a way of promoting qualitative and inclusive education in line with the SDG 4, IDEE has awarded scholarships to Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Iwopin, Ogun Waterside LGA of Ogun State.
Lastly, IDEE has really carried out activities that have impacted into our educational system and society at large. IDEE celebrates all world day's which shows that our work and programs are second to none. Development starts from you, I and the society at large and only creative thinkers and innovators can solve their own societal problems.
What problems have you identified?
What have you done about it?
How creative are you in solving the problem?
What are the questions behind the problems?
Have you gathered your data?
Have you made the right survey?
Most importantly have you built your capacity in bringing possible solutions?
All these we offer at IDEE and we build capacity to the level where you can fly on your own terms. Be the change the world needs and never stop aiding development.
Generations of Brightr Future, Iwopin Ogun Waterside LGA, Ogun State
Generations of Brightr Future, Iwopin Ogun Waterside LGA, Ogun State
The Initiative for Education and Development (IDEE) was formed in 1999. It started as a social association and finally metamorphosed into a non-for profit and Non-Governmental Organization incorporated with a board of Trustee in 2001.
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