Grow Responsive Ecological Environment in Nigeria (GREEN) is working with schools in Abuja on environmental management, climate change mitigation and adaptation all aimed at reducing the consequences of human activities on environment as it affects women and children. This programme has facilitated capacity building students on Tree planting, gardening for women under IDEE's FINER Programme reaching over 10,000 women and children. It is also working on and creating awareness on reducing plastic pollution through recycling and re-uses processes.
SDGs Coordinator Demonstrating how to plant a Tree
Ms Comfort Uzaigbe facilitating on the importance of Tree planting with WISE 1 Students
The Initiative for Education and Development (IDEE) was formed in 1999. It started as a social association and finally metamorphosed into a non-for profit and Non-Governmental Organization incorporated with a board of Trustee in 2001.
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