The Sanitation Improvement Programme (SIP) for Tudun-wada community, a peri-urban community with an estimated population of 50,000, is a programme by IDEE in partnership with Sanitation and Water for Youth programme, SIP is a combination of projects and activities such as the celebration of SDG days associated with WASH, establishment of SWAY clubs in schools in the community and Urban Community Led Total Sanitation (U-CLTS). From the need assessment conducted by SWAY and the sight of open defecation around the community, SWAY is implementing an Urban Community Led Total Sanitation (U-CLTS) in Tudun-wada and so far we are working with the Angwa-Tiv - Zhidu Junction cluster and the Maigua palace cluster community.
Since the first triggering done on 24th of November 2018, the community developed an action plan on how to achieve ODF and total sanitation. Also tribal settlements (Hausa and Fulani) within the community have been identified and leaders of the settlements triggered to end OD within their settlement.
Another four (4) CLTS communities have been identified and triggered and the U-CLTS intervention within this peri-urban community have reached out to 270 Households with a population over 837 community members. A consistent follow up is done within the communities to ensure the criteria for ODF- including handwashing station, vent pipe, washable slab, are adhered to by all household within the community and that all household present within the community also are climbing the sanitation ladder.
Angwa-Tiv community members participating in community cleanup process
Angwa-Tiv community members participating in community cleanup process
The Initiative for Education and Development (IDEE) was formed in 1999. It started as a social association and finally metamorphosed into a non-for profit and Non-Governmental Organization incorporated with a board of Trustee in 2001.
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